Wednesday, 13 February 2013

My Birthday!

Today I have turned 28 years old, and for many years I would refuse to celebrate. I would have this sense of false modesty and put myself down so much that my Birthday would be terrible. I also would have a bunch of crazy expectations that would always end in bitterness.

As usual, my husband is not home. As a trucker I was pretty much banking on this. However I decided that this year I would only expect what I wanted to do for myself. I expected nothing from anyone else, and I think I have had one of the best birthdays I have had in quite awhile. Family had me over for a nice lunch, I had a wonderful Strawberry shortcake cake with white chocolate shavings all over it (very rich, but sooo yummy!). My husband sang Happy Birthday to me over the phone and called me his sweetheart, which made me blush! I also had at least 40 Birthday wishes via my friends on facebook. Oh! And one stranger at the grocery store, because my daughter told her it was my birthday. lol! She is so sweet. My children made quite a big deal about it today. And my son informed me that I should not have to do anything!! So I asked if that included making him dinner, and he said "except that mom, cause I LOVE your cooking". Well I could not argue with that.

I am very blessed, and although I have not unwrapped any official presents. I thoroughly enjoyed my day, just by not having any expectations. So from now on that is my plan.

Now I must go and watch a movie I have been waiting to see, with a bag of chips. Because to me, not having to share my chips is something I sometimes just need. (imagine 5 different hands reaching into the same bowl, ya catch my drift ;)

Shekinah K.

I am So Blessed. And here is Jill Scott, this is my wake up song on my phone. Gets my day started off right, with thankfulness. If you do not know who Jill Scott is, I encourage you to play "the best of Jill Scott" off of youtube. She has so much soul and depth, but some songs are NOT for childrens ears. Just letting you know.

Thursday, 7 February 2013

Bullying (the next level)

Watching television is frustrating to me. I feel as though I may be the only one seeing things for what they really are.

For instance I find cell phone commercials, are showcasing bullying in action. They say with a very strong overtone "If you do not have the latest and greatest cell phone, you are a loooser!". In one commercial they show a man who is slightly nervous (which I feel sorry for) and says he is not with their company but (the microphone back feeds) and everyone turns away and completely shun him.
What are we teaching our children?!
Honestly, the commercials we watch are half of our television (unless you watch tv online with netflix or something, which is much better). We have to look at what is behind the message. "If you are not with this cell phone provider, you suck", "If you do not have the biggest best car, you are less than".
Well maybe so, but my Pontiac will dent just as badly as your BMW in a crash. Metal is metal.
 I decide what my worth is, not you. (Not that I have anything against BMW's, its the message)

Also, another huge lie in our society is. Buy it now, or look like a smuck. Ok, lets look at that a moment.

My parents saved well over $100 by NOT buying the Tickle Me Elmo when it first came out that Christmas. I waited and waited, and bought it for $1 at Salvation Army, which was most likely donated by some poor person who felt their child's self-worth was somehow attached to an insignificant toy when they originally purchased it.
This also happened with Cabbage Patch Dolls when they first came out. You see them in second hand stores and yard sales everywhere now.  And do not get me started on how they treat other people just to get whatever the hottest product is! What is wrong with waiting?

Then the commercials for vacations! Luxurious Vacations to the Bahama's let's say. Sears does a commercial and states "Take the vacation now, and pay for it in a year".
WAIT! Whoa, I was not born yesterday. You want me to try to "relax" on a vacation, knowing full will take me an entire year to pay it off?! That is exactly what a vacation is not. To me anyway.

When new films come out in theatre. I do not go. I do not buy popcorn. I stay home, when it comes available to finally watch it online, I enjoy it. If I need a bathroom break I do not hold it until my bladder explodes or miss an important plot in the film. It makes no sense to me. I can pause, I can eat my food I bought at normal prices. I can sit and cuddle on my couch with my husband and we are more comfortable. I do not need the huge screen and damage my ears.
I have saved hours of my time by not caring if I am the first in line.
You can call me crazy, but being crazy is what has been saving me money and even more precious  my sanity.

Shekinah K.

Saturday, 2 February 2013



This week has been insane. We went from realizing our home is under 1000 square feet (with all 6 of us and our German ShepX) and looking for a possible new home. To have some kind of terrible flu run through the house. To huge snow storms, that change all our plans.

However! I have had time today to do one of my favorite hobbies. Which is Pinterest.
Obsession may be the more adequate description.

I start off just looking at a few things that were recently posted by people I follow. Then suddenly the target catches my eye. I have so many things I plan on doing when I have a space I can call my own! A place I dream of with every fabric and thread required and available to be taken out and used! A place with a lock on it (with 3 daughters under the age of 4, locks are a must).

Until that day comes I scour and scour. I am very much like a squirrel! I gather and gather until finally I feel full and can indulge in whatever I have decided is best to start with. So far the only Pins I have attempted myself have been recipe's and a few things with the kids.

The other website I can become lost in is, if you do not know this site you need to know it exists! This wonderful and amazing woman makes her own furniture from scratch and shows you how to do it yourself. My husband and I actually made our king size bed that she showed on her site. She got the idea from Pottery Barn and we just went with it. Took a long weekend, but our bed is super sturdy and comes apart in 3 pieces with storage underneath. We love it! (

Another website I have been hooked on reading the emails from, to get myself all revved up to finally take the plunge and properly clean/declutter my home is This woman is wonderful and upbeat. They even sell products that have rave reviews (as you read in emails) that they are a quality that you do not hear about much these days. I am gathering all that information as well.

Then their is, the best free app I have on my blackberry. I read through 3 different devotions that I honestly do not think I could go through the day well without. It is not bragging here. I just need God in every aspect of my life. If I do not dwell in His Word daily I literally do fall apart. God is so amazing in my life, every day I am thankful to Him.

It is so exciting what you can learn online now. Everything is pretty much at your fingertips and most of it is free. (all the ones I mentioned are) And for someone like me, who had NO formal education at all. It is a remarkable thing, what I have been able to glean from online and turn into wisdom to use later. I am so grateful for the internet.

And also, for you.