Sunday 6 January 2013

Clutter Cutter (weekend review)

From now on, on weekends I am planning on dealing with clutter in some area of my home.

This last weekend (which intended on being the first of many) ended up a wash. My 3 girls were all sick throughout this week, the baby was down this weekend. Tons of cuddles, and lots of catching up on laundry from the past week

I do not know about you. I am one of those people that gets insane during the winter months. I live in Ontario and it is now snowy here, dark and dreary. My energy needs a booster, and my home is obviously cluttered. I have CHAOS "Cant Have Anyone Over Syndrome" (stolen from amazing website if I could only discipline myself!!). I walk around my home and literally feel as though I am drowning. Overwhelmed, feeling like I cannot even treat through. It is time to take a garbage bag and fill it/toss it!

Seriously, I may be a mother of 4 young children. I just cannot stand using it as an excuse "cleaning a house with young children is like shovelling snow when it is still snowing". I cannot use that lol!

Its time for change, I haven't used my stuff in my basement. No one wants that stuff I bet, so its got to go.

Now I am off! 4 children sleeping all snuggling in their beds, and I finally feel I can tread through some of this stuff that sucking the life out of me.


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