Wednesday 12 December 2012



My name is Shekinah I am Christian, a wife (He is a trucker) and mother of 4 (8 Son, 3 Daughter, 2 Daughter, 10 months Daughter). I also am an advocate for Autism (my son has Autism and husband has Aspergers) so its a huge part of my life.

Well I am a stay at home mom that sells Herbalife whenever the mood strikes me.
A pinterest~aholic
Ex - Shopaholic (its pretty much under control now)
TOTAL chocoholic
And all around messed up human being just searching for God's grace, because I am sooo far from perfect. 
My biggest philosophy is to live thankfully in whatever comes. Even though I live in fear...but more on that later on.

Join me in my ups and downs, my epiphanies and tragedies (hopefully not many).

And I will allow you to see into my harried yet hilarious life.
Shekinah K.

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